The “Christ is All” podcast by Frank Viola Author is a free subscription on iTunes. It has ranked #1 in Canada and #2 in the United States in Christian podcasts. The podcast has been downloaded millions of times and includes conference messages, interviews, first chapters, and humorous sketches. Click here to sample it and subscribe.
Frank, I love your choice of music bits before and after segments and I’d love to know some of your favorite artists.
And *thank you* for saying Jesus is Everything. I’ve wandered away and my church seems to have lost its bearings. I’ve become disillusioned and am starting to get back to the #1 thing: Jesus. Your podcasts are nurturing the dried out sad, droopy stalk of faith that I so desperately want to believe in but life seems to speak otherwise. Life is so hard, and it’s hard to hold on and believe that God loves. Your messages about Jesus and Him being the Tree of Life have ministered to me. thank you.